GREATEST SUCCESS STORY' - Motivational Speech | Jack Ma speech
June 18, 2020
I did I have a rich father tried of three times for University all filled I apply for however for ten times all filled they'd only want to see me with a lot time I went to the Teachers College which was considered the third or fourth class of my city to apply jobs for thirty times got rejected it was so difficult at that time I was so frustrated because I taught in the university my pain was ten dollars a month because I could not find a good job in 1990 foot discussed that I'm going to do something called internet and twenty three of them against it they said this is stupid idea we have never heard by internet and you know nothing about computer and I never thought I was smart nobody believed that I could be successful because everybody say well this guy think differently singer crazy that you know these think about something never worked I try to follow three thousand us daughters from the banks took me three months but I still cannot get it we talked over thirty or forty venture capitalists everybody's in milk forget it a lot of people said Alibaba is a terrible model as I said I believe it I think this thing could be big I never thought it would be bad big like today I believe that something something is waiting for me there and I have to work hard to prove myself that was the tough experience so we gather fifty thousand US dollars from eighteen funders we study for the first three years we do not have even one dollar revenue from our business what's not easy why it keeps that going ahead going forward because I received lots of email of thanks from the customer they say this is such a great thing we cannot obtain you but this thing's helped us if you keep on helping us one day you will be successful and I believe this little violator we build up our business little by little we're good at our ecosystem of the infrastructure and now after 16 years we have Alibaba Group who have a team or group we have a tarball group with Ali pace and people said you are so smart how could you make a company like that Bill Gates Warren Buffet the Jack Welch Larry Page Mark Zuckerberg the difference between those people and other people they are always optimistic for the future they never complained they always tried to solve the problems of the others when you're up to miss Lee it's always opportunity people seemed here today Jeff where is the opportunity I don't have a job I don't have this item as a debt we are at the best of times of the century the best assets you have is that you are young don't complain let the other people complain the opportunity lie always lies where people complain think about how you can make things different is there anything I can do that make the difference and then when you think about this study do it I saw a lot of people young people have a fantastic ideas every evening but in the morning they go to the office thing again being entrepreneur you have to do the things before the other people do you have to wake up before the other people wake up you have to be more buried than the others use instinct everything you do is to the need of the customer to everybody to any person tomorrow is new make the move make the action whether investors believe in this or not whether your friends believe it or not whether your parents believe it or not that's not important you believe it your team believe it and work day and night on this that's all the things happens make enough mistakes you fall you stand up any mistake is that income is a wonderful revenue don't worry about the money money follows the people people should follow the dreams if you have a dream just to go ahead I think nobody can conquer the world we only can serve the world either work for the others or work for yourself and I choose the way work might for myself working for myself that means working for the society if you really want to work with yourself think about the others because only when the other people are successful when the other people happy you'll be successful you will be happy.