RISE UP - Best Motivational Speech (Featuring Eddie "Truck" Gordon)
June 15, 2020
Daddy is not around. It ain’t your fault that one of your parents is an alcoholic. It ain’t your fault that your family is broke, poor. Definitely not your fault what color of skin you live in, but I can promise you, I can assure you there’s going to be adversity, there’s going to be obstacles, there are going to be disasters that are going to come your way. They are going to be made to tear you down and destroy you but if you sit there and start pointing fingers and play this blame game you will fail so stop blaming everybody else except for yourself. You better believe that failure is coming if you keep on with that weak mindset. You were not born to lose, you were born to win. You're a winner. You were born to be great. Believe it. There is greatness inside of you. So, stop worrying about what everybody else is doing and start worrying about what you're going to do in order to get the life that you want. In order for you to live the life that you want you got to do the things that you don't want. In order for you to live the life of luxury of health, of wealth, of happiness you got to make sacrifices. If it comes easy and fast, it's going to leave the exact same way.
You can do much better than what you are doing. Stop settling for second place, third place, fourth place. Stop settling. Stop being content, being selfish, stubborn. Stop being content just getting by week by week. Some weeks you'll fall behind. Stop being content because when you look in the mirror at the end of the day you can't fool the person looking back on you. Everybody on social media ain’t the person that you think they are. Because you are great. You are amazing and I believe in you. If you don't believe in you, I believe in you because that's what it took for me to be great. I've stumbled, I fell. Heck, I still fall but you know what I do? What I do best? What sets me apart from the rest? I get up. After I fall, I get up. What are you fighting for in life? You're fighting for something every single day. To be a fighter it’s going to take guts, it's going to take exploring, passion, it's going to take heart, it’s going to take failing. Fighting takes you to some of the dark depths of life.
Being a fighter, you've got to be ready to sacrifice. You have to sacrifice your friends, sacrifice your social life. Fighters spend tons of time isolated in darkness obsessing. Obsessing while their friends are out partying. You are out there spending time training. You're dying inside at home honing your skills. You're a fighter. You're a fighter so fight. What are you waiting for? You are there to win. You're not backing out for nobody. I need you to start believing in you. I need you to become the driver of your life, not the passenger. Get your tail out of the passenger seat, jump in the driver seat, and floor it. Start grinding for your life, for your success because it's in you.
Whether you can see it or not, I’m telling you it's in you, and guess what? It's going to get harder when you are closest to your goals. So, stop sulking, stop whining. It’s just a test to see how bad you want it. It might not be your fault but it’s sure as heck your responsibility to fix it. It's your responsibility to right all the wrongs set against you so you can rise to be great. Don’t be that woman, don’t be that man, don’t be that kid that keeps pointing fingers. I’m positive that there's more to come but guess what? Like you I overcame it with love, with passion, focus, purpose. I succeeded because I owned up to all my faults. I took responsibility for every single thought that I could possibly wrap my thoughts around. Because if I didn’t do it nobody else will. You can't wait for nobody else. You got to own it. I don't care whose fault it is if you don't it, I promise you, if you don't take action towards it, it's your responsibility why you succeeded or why you failed. When you point fingers at people, guess what? There are four more fingers pointed right back at you. Own every second of your life because it's yours. No one else is going to give you anything you did not earn or deserve.
Life is hard. It's hard guys, I know it is but guesses what? If you want to live an amazing life you got to do amazing things. You got to do those things that nobody else wants to do so you can live that life that nobody else can. Get up and just do it. You got to dig. You got to dig deep. You got to own it. I don't know what it is for you, but you got to own it. OWN IT! Through all the ups, all downs, remember that you are not perfect so get over yourself. One thing I know is that you are perfectly imperfect just like me. What do you do to better yourself? Are you owning it? Are you taking responsibility or are you blaming somebody else for the wrongs against you? It's not your fault but it’s your responsibility to fix it. It's your life, nobody else can do it for you.
So, get up and go do those things that you don't want to do when you don’t want to do them anymore. So, get up and get set. Set yourself apart from being average because you are not average! You are great! Its greatness that’s what in you. It's time for you to get the break that you deserve today and fight this good fight because you're going to be a fighter every single day for the rest of your life. It's your life. It’s your life so guess what guys? If you do the hard things in life, life gets easy. But if you do the easy things in life, life is going to be hard. The choice is yours. What are you going to do with it? RISE!